My 30 days starts NOW!

Yay! Today is the day that I started my 30 day Yoga program! I know that in my last blog post I had mentioned starting it much sooner.. but Yoga is NOT enjoyable when you have a sinus infection (yes, I found this out the hard way).

Today’s video was just over half an hour long – which is totally doable even if you lead a super busy life! I did my yoga session right when I woke up this morning and I think it is the perfect time to do it! I woke up feeling quite groggy and unmotivated for the day. It allowed me to slowly wake up and just focus on me for a while! After this morning, I have a few things I want to share with you!

thought I was stronger!
Something I NEVER thought about was how strong your shoulders have to be to do Yoga! It’s crazy how shaky my arms got while holding certain poses, especially the Down Dog Split (AKA: Three legged dog)!!! I am really looking forward to tracking my progress through the next 30 days to see if I see results (hopefully my shoulders lean out and look stronger!).

Make this about YOU!
About halfway through the video I was starting to get a little frustrated with myself. I consider myself to be athletic and somewhat flexible, yet I couldn’t hold some of the poses as long as Adrienne was. I found that I was just dropping to my knees and watching her and thinking ‘I can’t do it so I will just jump back in once she changes poses’, which is absurd! I finally reminded myself that today is the FIRST DAY of the program! I KNOW that by the end I will be better and be able to hold the poses and follow her much easier. This is my journey and I should not be comparing myself to others!

This instructor is amazing!
I feel like I lucked out by finding this Yoga Camp! Adrienne (the instructor) is amazing! Her voice is soothing and she does such a good job of really explaining the poses so I don’t feel like I need to keep looking up to see what she is doing!

If you want to see a bit of a breakdown of some of the Yoga poses that I touched on in this post, follow this link.

Question for all of you who have done Yoga: Did you notice changes with your body? What kind of Yoga did you do? I am thinking of literally taking ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos, but that also makes me nervous!




2 thoughts on “My 30 days starts NOW!

  1. puetzcole

    Really cool challenge Taryn! I remember back when my Mom got into yoga and she tried getting me to go with her and I thought it really wasn’t for me and I didn’t need it because I go to the gym but holy is it a great overall experience. Like you said, it requires strength and I don’t think enough people understand that. After a yoga session, I feel amazing. Question for you, have you ever tried hot yoga?

  2. tarynstork

    Thanks for the comment, Cole!
    Good for you! I think more people need to be open to trying it! No I haven’t ever tried Hot Yoga, but I was thinking that I would at the end of the semester! Have you?

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